Saturday, April 28, 2012

So, May is actually the 5th month in the year, which normally would mean I wasted half a year in the year of Chel-z, but we're not counting it like that. I feel I have been making personal improvements for awhile, but I think I'd like to commit to it. Really get into it. So here we are! Year of Chel-z starts in May of 2012.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big Chelsea fan and always have been, I think I'm a good person, and cute enough that fairly regularly people tell me I look like Betty Cooper. But I'm also out of shape, terrible at self-grooming operations (I'm looking at you hair), bad with my money, and one of the laziest procrastinators in history.  I like video games and watching TV, sugary foods in excess, not doing my chores, not exercising, and not being social. Bad girl.

So here I am. I'm 25 now, I've never been in anything but serious relationships that were good and then bad and then ended, but all took large amounts of energy and time. And now I have some time and some space and some logic to becoming the best version of me before I start expending my energy on someone else.

So here's my basic list of things I'd like to do:

Get In Shape/ Eat Healthier
(I'm lucky. I have a wicked fast metabolism and eat like a junk yard pig and have people often tell me that I am too skinny. I am Lorelei Gilmore.)
- I am super out of shape. I have love handles and cellulite and I'm wimpy as all hell.
- I don't drink ANY water. I drink pop and diet pop and coffee and tea and occasionally juice. gross.
- I am going to Jamaica again in November. I want to look freaking amazing in that swimsuit.

Get Skilled in the Ladylike Arts
(I've been sort of a fancy tomboy as long as I can remember. I have long hair and wear makeup, but I am pretty terrible at upkeep of both, and I naturally default to wearing dirty jeans, a babydoll tshirt and skate shoes every day. and a hoody if it's cold. I'm almost 26, and people ask me if I'm in highschool often.)

- Learn how to do my hair, and resist the temptation to keep dying it stupid colours.
- Learn how to do my makeup so it doesn't look like I slept in a smoky eye.
- Learn how to not walk like a monster in heels, and stop wearing skate shoes.
- Learn how to flirt.
- Learn how to sew.

Get Better with my Money and Chores
(self explanatory, I'm messy and broke despite the fact I make decent money and have lots of free time. my life is totally covered in cat hair.)

Random Small Goals
- Get more involved in the arts community/city.
- Learn about Wine. I like red wine. why!?
- Finish all the commissions I've said I'll do.
- Learn to use my camera and properly document all my jewellery.

So to start, I'm doing this:

-Starting the 4 hour body. I'm curious about the program, the guy who writes it is nerdy about things in a way I enjoy very much, so I have some faith in it, and I'd like to try it. I'll track my progress.

- Identify and work towards my financial goals. budget. I'm going to use for this.

- Get up earlier, get a haircut, hide all my go-to clothes that make me look 16. I'm moving closer to work immediately, but I shouldn't sleep in any later. And get more sleep, I stay up WAY too late.

so here I am. I'll update when I have some updates to do, since I've always been a failure at how to start blogs.

Chelsea, Apr 28th, 2012, 11:10pm

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