Wednesday, May 30, 2012

okay so I'm garbage at blogging. also, in my defense I haven't had internet until about a week ago, and I haven't had internet on my actual computer until today. yaaay internet.

So 4hrbody is going good, I started doing the ab workouts a couple weeks ago, and it's pretty impressive that under 9 minutes of exercise makes me feel like I did 1000 crunches. so that's awesome. I'm not getting a BOSU ball because I hate having a bunch of workout stuff around the house, and there's no way I'm ever stepping foot in a gym again, as I still think that gyms are the biggest crooks in the entire world.

but yeah.. I've been doing the kettleball swings with a 4 litre water jug like someone suggested on tim's blog, and I've been doing the abs on a comforter stuffed firmly into a pillowcase. works great :).

I ordered an adjustable kettleball from, so that should be here soon and I'll be excited to see it.

 things are moseying along in my life. I haven't lost any weight on the diet, but my pants are less uncomfortable, and my body was looking kickin' in the mirror last night.

weird side effects I've noticed, not sure if they're usual:

1. I am JUST ROASTING. seriously, something is making me hot. I read it could be my body in ketosis, burning the fat and protein for fuel rather than carbs. whatever it is, it's crazy. I'm a cold person, and I can't keep a jacket on.

2. my cellulite is.. gone. and my stretch marks on the side of my butt are also almost gone. weird. maybe all the fat in my body is brown fat now or something? who the hell knows, but I'm pleased.

nothing much else to report. I'm gonna try to start pinning some recipes, you can check here if you want:

or here

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4hr body recipe - Pan seared scallops with curry green pea puree and crisp procuitto.

Pan seared scallops with curry green pea puree and crisp procuitto.

For one:
Put two slices of procuitto in a 375° oven. Heat up a pot and a pan with about a tablespoon of ghee in each. Medium heat for the pot, medium high for the pan.

Cook some garlic in the pot, when it smells delicious, throw in one cup of frozen peas and half a cup of water. Little bit of salt, pepper, garam Marsala, thai chili sauce. Boil for like... 5 minutes.

Season scallops with salt and pepper, put in pan with hot ghee or butter, sear for 5 to 7 minutes on each side until cooked through.

Puree the peas and pea-broth with an immersion blender or regular blender. Plate the pea puree, crumble the crispy procuitto on top, plate scallops, garnish if you're so inclined.


ugh, okay, attempt #2 at actually keeping a blog (which is apparently hard for me now.)

So I've been slacking on the blog (and a little bit the diet) because I painted an entire apartment and then moved there, which always makes everything in my entire life hard. it's good though, because now I won't be living with my brother and jessica, which is sad, but means I get to live alone (yay) and can cook and do things just for myself again. which will make everything easier.

So, I'm back strictly on the diet this week after having a ridiculous week of badly cheating (I'm looking at you pizza.) and generally being upset with myself.

so for breakfast (which I'm still struggling with, as I hate breakfast on weekdays) I'm trying something new in sort of a... low carb version of huevos rancheros.

I partially poach 2 eggs (I may start adding an extra glug of eggwhite here, as I'm having trouble reaching 20/30g of protein in breakfast still. because it's gross.) in the bottom of a small mason jar at nighttime. leave a little soggy.

then in the morning, throw in a generous tsp of refried beans, a generous portion of black beans, and microwave for a minute or 2 until everything is hot. cut up an avacado while it's heating, and throw half of that and a couple tablespoons of salsa and a tsp of paprika (I use hungarian smoked paprika, yum!) into the mix and shake/stir it all up.  I like making food in mason jars because then this can be thrown in my bag while I finish getting ready and then I can eat it while I walk.

for coffee, which I'm also struggling with, I think I've settled with an okay compromise as long as I can still latte the shit out of my life on saturdays. for day to day, I don't mind a sweet-flavour coffee (I'm currently using van houtte chocolate rasperry truffle coffee in my keurig) because I think it tricks my mind into thinking it will be sweet, and then I glob in a generous tablespoon of coconut milk and a giant teaspoon of cinnamon. it tastes okay. it's drinkable. I don't enjoy it, but I haven't really been enjoying my double-double style coffee for that long either, so hopefully I'll adjust, I'm not opposed to other bitter foods.

for lunch I'm usually out so this is still varying. meat and vegetables. no bread and cheese, which limits lunch, but this is pretty reasonable to stick to. I'm thinking I might get a dehydrator and start making sugar free jerky at home. it's perfectly easy to do, I've done it in the oven before and it turned out alright, but in the dehydrator it'd be better. I do like snacking, and I think that jerky and seaweed/kale chips might be acceptable to me.

dinner is fine, I have lots of stuff to do for that, I'll remember to start writing down recipes as I go along to share, but really. other than all the cheating this week (which I know is avoidable, but would have made my week a LOT harder, so I decided to vice out instead) things will be fine.

in other goals things are going well but stalled. I have a dishwasher now, that should help with the keeping the house clean front, and once I get everything unpacked my place should be pretty nice.I also wore heels three times this week, and have blisters to show for it, but feel like I'm walking better.

so yeah. maybe I'll report back with a dinner recipe.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Well day 3, all was good. Still figuring out what I can and can't eat mostly.

I actually made breakfast yesterday, eggs and turkey bacon and spinach in the eggs.

Lunch I had a salad with roast beef.

Dinner I had a faux-caprese salad with chopped up basil and Roma tomatoes and added some avacado and firm tofu in oil and a very nice organic balsamic.

I need to look up if balsamic is okay.

I stayed at work til 10 last night so didn't weigh myself or really do much else. Will report longer after my day today.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Slow-carb Day 2!

So far so good, and I've almost finished the book for the second time with much better notes on how all of this will work. Especially the cheat day. Someone should really teach this guy how to write a simple set of instructions, instead of burying everything in anecdotes and experiment results. However, I actually do find his writing easy to read and enjoy the book, I just enjoy some good old fashioned clarity. Now I've just got to find time to pick up supplements and a kettlebell or two this week and I should be well on my way.

concerning my tea yesterday, I think it may be the steeped chicory root that makes the tea sweet? or a combination of the chicory and the cinnamon. regardless, either will be fine for the diet I believe. It's saccharides, which I think are slightly different than sugar, but I'll do more research when I'm sure about the chicory. I have another tea that gets a very similar heavy-sweet taste when oversteeped, so I'll see if it contains chicory to compare. I can't see it being a problem though, which opens a pretty interesting window to ways to sweeten my coffee. (something I'm ALREADY struggling with.) so tomorrow I think I'm going to try coffee with a teabag steeped in it and a spoonful of coconut milk too. I think both those things should be okay and pretty delicious, and hopefully will result in some kind of spicy but tasty coffee that I can survive drinking, since I hate it black, and cinnamon doesn't work for me. I mean, I love cinnamon, but it just doesn't sweeten coffee. if it works maybe I'll see if I can find straight up dried chicory to use as a weird sweetener.

so here's my food day:

bfast: 1/2 avacado, hard boiled egg, an organic pepperoni stick. sue me, I bought turkey bacon today.

lunch: sugar-free redbull, bo la lot, chicken, beef and shrimp skewers. Glass of ice water. there was probably a bit of sugar in the vietnamese barbecue sauce, but it was easily the most SC option on the menu. I need to check red bull and see if it's aspartame (it tastes like aspartame..) and not sucralose.

Mistake! So I forgot it was may today and forgot to buy a transit ticket on my way home and got slapped with a $150 ticket. with like $2000 worth of old transit passes on my person. yeah, I'm really trying to scam the system with my monthly passes for the last 29 months. So I was pissy about that and my brother called to ask if I wanted a bubble tea since he was getting one on the way home so I said yes, Taro with tapioca, and he brought it and a drank half of it before I even considered.. tapioca! milk! sugar out the wazoo! honest, taro I wouldn't even be sure about!  so damn. that probably messed things up. I took 2 tsp of lemon juice and did two minutes of high intensity exercise (jump squats) and then repeated about 45 minutes later to attempt to damage control a little bit, but who knows. oops. not a habit yet.

dinner: I made a pork tenderloin in a marinade of garlic, olive oil, cumin and ginger with soy sauce. Made sort of a quick-stew of black beans, stewed tomatoes, onion, garlic and zucchini with cumin and black pepper. I have to go get some tamari because it doesn't contain any wheat like regular soy sauce, but havent had time yet, so have just been cutting it down. Pork tenderloin is so reliably delicious. I don't understand people who don't eat pork.

later: glass of red wine and I actually drank a whole litre of water after work too. I need to get better with the water and liquid intake.

other than the bubble tea I feel like I'm adjusting nicely, feeling starving of course, but I still fully expect that to go away and will only be concerned about it in 3 days or so. everything has been delicious too, so that keeps me feeling perky about it.

weight: 113.8 lbs. officially can't give blood anymore, the one downside of losing some weight. hopefully I'll put it back on in muscle later and can still do that.

other news:
-took possession of my new apartment today. decided on Roomba, Dishwasher and living room furniture as my initial purchases, as well as being allowed to paint. awesome.
-it's been raining here forever. gross.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Slow Carb Diet and Initial Thoughts

Okay so it's Apr 30th, but I want Saturday as my binge day, so I started the 4 hour thing today. Just the diet so far, but I'll add more stuff in as I have time to get equipment and such. Also, I'm still living at my brother's for about another week so doing exercising here will be slightly more awkward. I'll do some research or if I'm very nervous phone my naturalpath before I start any supplements I don't know anything about, but nothing seemed that bad in the book, at least not the basic ones.

So here's my thoughts about the diet: It's Fine. Seriously, it will be fine. Eating Paleolithic has been my default for times when I'd like to focus on my diet a little more, eat a little more healthily, lose some weight, that kind of thing. I find the slow carb diet to be pretty much the same as paleo, except with the subtraction of fruit and the addition of a binge day. I normally eat small amounts of red or black rice when I do paleo, (controversy!) which I will cut out for slow carb. Also, allowing me to drink up to 2 cans of pop, and 2 glasses of red wine will make the whole thing a lot easier. I really miss pop and wine when I'm eating paleo, and I like the idea of the cheat day, though I need to figure out the science of it. I've got 5 days though, so that will be okay.

Overall I'm not too terrified of it, I have experience with paleo, atkins and candida diets, as well as briefly attempting to be gluten free to see if it helped my upset stomachs for awhile. (it didn't.) so I feel pretty confident about my ability to stick to it and understand it, but just as a comment,


I mean, seriously. Tim lists like 6 vegetables or something, and only about 3 or 4 meal ideas in the whole 2 chapters. I'm lucky because I know how to eat like this, but if this was your first foray into the world of high protein and complex carbs, it would be awful. For interest, and to help anyone else who ever stumbles on my blog while doing confused searching, I'll try to be pretty specific in my diet and post general instruction recipes as we go along. (I'm not great with recipes. Once you get comfortable with cooking, amounts start to make sense for most general supper items.)

So I had a huge number of questions, which I will detail for you here with as good as the answers that I've found or assumed. Here's my main problem with the diet laid out in the book: I don't like eating the same thing. Variety is the spice of life, I am a 25 year old girl who likes cooking, likes eating food that tastes good, is perfectly capable of shopping, and has a little extra money to spend on not having to repeat 4 meals for the rest of my life. I know a significant amount about other reduced carb diets, so I already have experience cooking with these restrictions. Also, and this just sounds like bragging, I don't really need to lose weight. So I can use a few more ingredients that would be a little controversial here.. such as almond flour. Which will technically be fine on the diet, but is hard on caloric intake if you're watching it.

1. Squash? Yams? Sweet Potatoes?  no. these are too starchy and too sugary. damn.
2. Bell Peppers? Corn? Olives?  yes. no. yes. I'm personally going to stick to green peppers, corn is too starchy and sugary (see yams) and olives are just a delight, but are also pretty fatty and salty, so careful. also for some people they're a domino food. I'm looking at you, ex-boyfriend.
3. Lemon Juice? Miso paste? Tofu? I find the info on all three of these confusing. Lemon juice I'm going to leave as a cheat day thing since the fructose. Miso usually contains small amounts of barley or other grains, but also just a smidge mixed with oil makes an amahzing salad dressing, so I may allow like 1/2tsp amounts as long as it's not every day. Tofu.. I'm going with yes as long as you're not concerned about the GMO and estrogen issues. I don't eat much tofu and limit my soy in general, so this problem seems minimal to me.
4. Why no Hummus? chickpeas are pretty calorie dense, so I assume this is just why.
5. Why limit Mayo? this one seems purely caloric too.. though some commercial mayonnaises contain pretty massive amounts of sugar too, so check that. I make my own sometimes, and it's pretty much just eggs and oil and a little mustard, so I can't see it being off the diet for any reason. However, avacado works as a fantastic substitute for mayo in almost everything.

so I have probably a million more questions. I'll let you know as I clarify them.

anyways, here are my initial measurements/weight/photos (blah.)

mid bicep - 9.5 R and 9.5 L (inches)
waist - 30 @ navel (which is not my waist.) 26 @ natural waist.
hips - 36 @ butt, 31 @ love handle area.
mid thight - 19 R 19 L

for a Total Inches of 123. I used the navel and the butt measurements because that was how it sounded like he explained it in the book. maybe men's natural waists are closer to their navels? mine is much higher. no big, as long as I'm consistent.

weight is 114.8lbs in underwear.

here are the photos. warning, these are not sexy. don't get me wrong, I'm great at doing sexy body positions to work with this, but here I was trying to particularly not flatter myself. let it all hang out so to speak.

so, obviously, I'd like to lose a little in the stomach, the love handles, and inner thighs. then I'd like to tone up the butt and arms and core. fat tends to stick to my ribs too, which is unfortunate. Then I'd like to be able to do a headstand and also not get wobbly in yoga poses. which I think are both related to core strength.

so here's my first day in brief:

Breakfast 8:00am - 2 hard boiled eggs. ate 'em while I walked to the c-train. gross, and I friggin love eggs. breakfast will be my struggle, I hate it, I hate eating that early, especially within a half hour of waking up.

10:00ish - drank some green tea, 2 cups. drank a further one glass of water. this is a big deal for me.

1:00pm - lunch. ate out, as I am wont to do for lunch - 6oz rare steak with a garden salad, Diet Coke and a further glass of ice water.  picked the dried cranberries out of the salad, and ate it dry due to the Kraft-y-ness of the balsamic dressing available. (sugar sugar.) Steak was delicious, though.

3:00pm - 2 tablespoons of almond butter, straight. cup of anise tea. I think I probably have candida because I've been a candy freak the last couple of months, so I feel absolutely starving by now.

6:45pm - Dinner. Spinach and dill salad with green peppers, avacado, pine nuts and a sesame oil and chinese dipping vinegar dressing. Topped with a quick-marinade (garlic salt, dill, sesame oil) tilapia fillet, and fried white wine and hot paprika mushrooms. Everything was tasty. I feel like I'm dying of hunger, but have experienced this on paleo and the candida diet before, so I'm not letting it get to me. sugar addiction is showing it's fangs. should be gone in about 3 days or so if I keep off the crack.

9pm - a cup of bengal spice tea and a glass of Barefoot Merlot. I oversteeped the tea (herbal) and it got REALLY sweet, so I need to check the ingredients on it. it could just be the cinnamon. I'll let you know. Wine made me feel better, and less sugar-craving, so yay.

12pm - bedtime. drinking as much water as I think I can handle without waking up to pee in the night.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

So, May is actually the 5th month in the year, which normally would mean I wasted half a year in the year of Chel-z, but we're not counting it like that. I feel I have been making personal improvements for awhile, but I think I'd like to commit to it. Really get into it. So here we are! Year of Chel-z starts in May of 2012.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big Chelsea fan and always have been, I think I'm a good person, and cute enough that fairly regularly people tell me I look like Betty Cooper. But I'm also out of shape, terrible at self-grooming operations (I'm looking at you hair), bad with my money, and one of the laziest procrastinators in history.  I like video games and watching TV, sugary foods in excess, not doing my chores, not exercising, and not being social. Bad girl.

So here I am. I'm 25 now, I've never been in anything but serious relationships that were good and then bad and then ended, but all took large amounts of energy and time. And now I have some time and some space and some logic to becoming the best version of me before I start expending my energy on someone else.

So here's my basic list of things I'd like to do:

Get In Shape/ Eat Healthier
(I'm lucky. I have a wicked fast metabolism and eat like a junk yard pig and have people often tell me that I am too skinny. I am Lorelei Gilmore.)
- I am super out of shape. I have love handles and cellulite and I'm wimpy as all hell.
- I don't drink ANY water. I drink pop and diet pop and coffee and tea and occasionally juice. gross.
- I am going to Jamaica again in November. I want to look freaking amazing in that swimsuit.

Get Skilled in the Ladylike Arts
(I've been sort of a fancy tomboy as long as I can remember. I have long hair and wear makeup, but I am pretty terrible at upkeep of both, and I naturally default to wearing dirty jeans, a babydoll tshirt and skate shoes every day. and a hoody if it's cold. I'm almost 26, and people ask me if I'm in highschool often.)

- Learn how to do my hair, and resist the temptation to keep dying it stupid colours.
- Learn how to do my makeup so it doesn't look like I slept in a smoky eye.
- Learn how to not walk like a monster in heels, and stop wearing skate shoes.
- Learn how to flirt.
- Learn how to sew.

Get Better with my Money and Chores
(self explanatory, I'm messy and broke despite the fact I make decent money and have lots of free time. my life is totally covered in cat hair.)

Random Small Goals
- Get more involved in the arts community/city.
- Learn about Wine. I like red wine. why!?
- Finish all the commissions I've said I'll do.
- Learn to use my camera and properly document all my jewellery.

So to start, I'm doing this:

-Starting the 4 hour body. I'm curious about the program, the guy who writes it is nerdy about things in a way I enjoy very much, so I have some faith in it, and I'd like to try it. I'll track my progress.

- Identify and work towards my financial goals. budget. I'm going to use for this.

- Get up earlier, get a haircut, hide all my go-to clothes that make me look 16. I'm moving closer to work immediately, but I shouldn't sleep in any later. And get more sleep, I stay up WAY too late.

so here I am. I'll update when I have some updates to do, since I've always been a failure at how to start blogs.

Chelsea, Apr 28th, 2012, 11:10pm